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Introduction to me!

 Hi Folks! My name's Chelsea Johnson! I'm from Southlake, Texas. (see photo below!)  I've lived there my entire life, until I moved to Austin nearly four years ago now! Austin was a huge change for me! Southlake is very much a small town and I hadn't come across lots of different types of people so I very much had a narrow world view. But, Austin, I came across all sorts of people with very different backgrounds from mine. Some of them weren't even from Texas- one of them wasn't even from the US! If I'm being honest, I struggled at first to relate to my fellow students but (eventually!) I adapted to city life and am incredibly enlightened and worldly (if I do say so myself!).  But in February of this year, I won a scholarship in political journalism so I've moved up to MANHATTAN for six months.  I KNOW! Just when I thought I was getting used to city life, Manhattan hits me like a storm. If I felt overwhelmed by Austin, Manhattan is on a completely differ

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